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Developmental Editing

A big-picture edit that looks at how everything hangs together. 


Stage of writing: When you need feedback on the work as a whole.



We'll discuss plot structure, character motivation and development, effective world-building, pacing, and reader expectations.


The work at this stage involves:

  • Providing an editorial revision letter that celebrates the strengths of the manuscript, addresses areas that need bolstering, and explains various ways to resolve story issues.

  • Editing the manuscript itself (line editing). The editing to the manuscript itself will show exactly where the strengths and areas to be addressed are. (This is not to be confused with copyediting.)



We'll discuss and define a thesis, establish logical organization, and a find the right tone for your audience. 


The work at this stage often involves:

  • Moving sections, chapters, and paragraphs for logical flow

  • Removing extraneous or redundant passages

  • Rewriting passages to address issues of clarity

  • Smoothing transitions

  • Filling in gaps

  • Creating new content

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